Success Stories: Meet Nour from Egypt

Nour is a 23 year old business administration student at Alexandria University. He was looking for job opportunities but did not know where to start, as, according to him, in Egypt, the concept of vocational training is rare and he did not even know what profession he was looking to have. He also faced difficulties start creating a CV, especially without orientation.

Nour, one of our users from Alexandria

Nour, one of our users from Alexandria

By getting to know about SkillLab through ABA-VTEC, Nour was happy to discover an app that would be able to help him in many aspects, such as having a basis for his CV, reminding him of skills that he forgot that he had, and last but not least to gather further information on new career opportunities he never really thought about.

Nour was even able to take into account his background in gymnastics, and now he was able to explore what skills would be necessary for him to become a coach in the future. Another concrete example was how he started to consider accounting as something for the short term, based on the skill match that the app presented to him. After that discovery, he applied for accounting internships and soon after landed an internship in the field.

In his words, "Without SkillLab, I would not have even thought that accounting is one of my potential career pathways. I believe accounting is my career pathway that I have the best shot at, I am comfortable, I am knowledgeable about it, and I have been receiving good feedback about my performance.

To read more about the experience of our partner ABA-VTEC with our tool, go to our case study collection.

Credit to the picture: Photo by Desola Lanre-Ologun on Unsplash