Creating a Digital Future for Syrian Refugees

SkillLab has joined a consortium of partners led by Mercy Corps striving to support Syrian refugees in Jordan to shape their own futures and help build the future of the country. The Masaruna project combines proven poverty-relief models with human-centered design that puts young refugees themselves in a position to shape the 2-year project, and help create the future that they want.

As part of a 360 degree approach to unlocking the potential of young refugees, SkillLab will support dedicated coaches with our Skill Assessment software help young people map a path forward, towards jobs and training for an increasingly digital world.

We're bringing everything together through long-term, digitally delivered support, so young refugees have the tools to build their own futures...

The project has been submitted to the Larsen Lam ICONIQ Impact Award competition. If successful, we hope that Masaruna will only be the beginning of long-term partnership to empower young refugees across the world to shape their own futures.

Credit: Header-Photo by Mercy Corps